August Newsletter
Our August Newsletter-Read how Love can be a Healing Balm for Grief & enjoy our "Double Discount Registration" Yoga Retreat Offerings!
Our August Newsletter-Read how Love can be a Healing Balm for Grief & enjoy our "Double Discount Registration" Yoga Retreat Offerings!
How has your life been Blessed by Freedom?-read more in our July Newsletter!
Yoga & Meditation workshop to focus on the practice of Forgiveness. When we courageously & compassionately engage in a forgiveness practice with ourselves & others, we create more Freedom in our hearts, souls & lives.
I Remember Mahatma Gandhi on his Birthday Today & Offer Abundant Gratitude for his Selfless Life of Service To Us! May We Always Live His Words:
Welcome to the beauty & vibrancy of Autumn! Join J for the following workshops for contemplation, practice and relaxation to revitalize your mind, body and soul!
For July & August, (for current students,) bring a new student to J’s yoga classes and get one class free!
Read J's letter to John Friend, and learn about the process that brought her to this decision.
Retaliatory Consequences for Speaking the Truth About John Friend & Anusara.
Here we are, at the end of the first month of 2012. Did you set intentions-sankalpas for the New Year? (sankalpa:resolve, resolution; san is an idea formed in the heart and kalpa is a way to proceed, a vow to manifest your heart’s desire) It may be that you did set intentions, and perhaps that [...]
My Mom is in the process of dying. I am grateful to have a Mother who has lived her life as a beacon of divine light, love and infinite kindness. It is a very tender time for me and my family. It is also her birthday on December 22nd-she will be 90 years old-if she [...]