Why I Resigned from Anusara Yoga
Read J's letter to John Friend, and learn about the process that brought her to this decision.
Read J's letter to John Friend, and learn about the process that brought her to this decision.
Retaliatory Consequences for Speaking the Truth About John Friend & Anusara.
SUNDAY JUNE 10, 2012, 1:00pm-3:30pm A WORKSHOP on the Bhagavadgita (“Gita,” meaning “the Song of the Blessed One,” is one of the most important texts in the history of yoga). The Gita is a magnificently beautiful sacred poetic text that will transform your life. Each time you contemplate its message, the Gita reveals greater truths [...]
Begins Saturday April 14, 2012 Come join us for Yoga classes on the deck of the Holyoke Boathouse beginning Saturday April 14, 2012. Practice Yoga outside with the warmth of the sun, the breeze of the air and the beauty of overlooking the CT river with the comfort of the deck and the roof overhead! [...]
WORKSHOP, SUNDAY APRIL 22, 2012 1:00pm-3:30pm LIVE IN YOUR SPIRITUAL POWER ALIGN WITH THE FIVE (+1) POWERS OF THE DIVINE When we live in our spiritual power, we live with deep peace & awareness, joy, divine will, knowledge, confidence and freedom. Join J for this illuminating workshop of lecture, yoga, [...]
Here we are, at the end of the first month of 2012. Did you set intentions-sankalpas for the New Year? (sankalpa:resolve, resolution; san is an idea formed in the heart and kalpa is a way to proceed, a vow to manifest your heart’s desire) It may be that you did set intentions, and perhaps that [...]
WORKSHOP-SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 from 1:00pm-3:30pm WE WILL LEARN ABOUT THE SEVEN ATTRIBUTES OF THE DIVINE (as listed above) and practice yoga & meditation to remember that it is our birthright to live each day filled with these qualities! When we live the seven attributes of the Divine, we experience "Chit Ananda"- "Chit is awakening [...]
My Mom is in the process of dying. I am grateful to have a Mother who has lived her life as a beacon of divine light, love and infinite kindness. It is a very tender time for me and my family. It is also her birthday on December 22nd-she will be 90 years old-if she [...]
As we shift into this glorious season of radiant colors, it is an opportunity for us to emulate the divine beauty of the Earth.
Beginning on Wednesday, November 2nd from 7:15p.m.-8:15pm, J will be offering a weekly Pranayama and Meditation class.